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About Us

The FOCUS team is an interdisciplinary mix of people with specialties in soil and crop management, spatial sciences, socioeconomics, marketing, gender studies and modeling. 


The FOCUS project is made possible through funding from ACIAR (SLAM/2018/144). This enables a range of Australian and Vietnamese institutions to collaborate in an effort to combat the effects of climate change in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam. 

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The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research is the funding body for this project through the soil and land management component. Project SLAM/2018/144. 

Farmer options for crops under saline conditions in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam | ACIAR

The project is administrated through Charles Sturt University with supporting Australian researchers joining from Select Carbon, Griffith University, University of New England and Murdoch University

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Can Tho University, Vietnam is the in country host university for the FOCUS project. Can Tho University is a leading agricultural university in Vietnam. 

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Various Vietnamese institutions support the project including the Institute for Agricultural Science in Southern Vietnam and the Vietnam Department of Agricultural Research and Development (DARD). 

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Meet The Team

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Dr. Huyhen Viet Khai

Socioeconomic studies

Can Tho University

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